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About EscrowBF Escrow is designed to securely facilitate deals across the forum. We offer a service that guards both parties - buyer and seller - from the repercussions of contractual breaches. On the darknet everyone is anonymous, so the risk of fraud by both the seller and the customer without adequate protection is high. Here's how our process works: You start by creating a transaction, indicating whether you are the seller or the buyer, and filling in the necessary details. Then, the buyer deposits funds into a unique deposit address provided by the platform. The seller, upon confirmation, can then proceed with the transaction by delivering the product or service. Only when the seller fulfills the contract, the client can finalize the deal otherwise the system will automatically pay the seller. If the seller fails to comply, the system is designed to revert the funds to the buyer. If the product or service is not delivered as promised, a dispute resolution process is activated. During this process, an impartial intermediary will evaluate the circumstances and evidence to reach a resolution. Our platform typically ensures a smooth automatic conclusion of transactions, minimizing the need for mediation. Highlights of Using BF Escrow
Prerequisite for sales To be able to sell, you simply must be a member of BreachForums. Escrow Fees We do not charge any fees for this service. The only fees you will have to pay are the standard blockchain fees. |